Evan T. Graziano's profile

Urban Design Principles-Providence, RI

Urban Design Principles
Creative Community
A positive exchange between friends, roommates, partners, peers and employees is essential for creating a vibrant urban community. The proposed project lies within an area of Providence that is becoming a place full of dexterous people with a creative forte. The site which was previously an elevated highway has been altered to create a pedestrian bridge crossing the river and allowing direct access to downtown Providence. A central spine runs through the middle of the block, between the buildings, and gradually steps up to the elevation of the bridge. The site, as a result, becomes a refuge from busy vehicle traffic that leads to downtown Providence. Between every building, every dwelling and every room there is a middle ground for engaging with others. Every space helps to create an environment that encourages egalitarianism among people in creative fields. Where there once were thriving manufacturing companies in this area there can be a thriving creative arts community giving merit to Providence as the “Creative City”.
Site Map
 Site Plan
  Central Pedestrian Spine
Site Section
West Elevation
Site Entrance
Unit Plans
Urban Design Principles-Providence, RI

Urban Design Principles-Providence, RI

Urban Design Principles Studio project completed while at studying for M.Arch at RISD.


Creative Fields